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CameraWindow DC 8.9.1 for Mac OS X

For Mac OS X v10.8, Mac OS X v10.7, Mac OS X v10.6 Updated 01 Jan 0001

Content Id: 0200232302

About the driver


CameraWindow DC 8.9.1 for Mac OS X is software that will install CameraWindow DC on your computer or update a previously installed version of CameraWindow DC to CameraWindow DC 8.9.1.

Update History

-Changes in the CameraWindow DC 8.9.1 for Mac OS X

Supports Mac OS X 10.8.

System requirements

1.Compatible OS
Mac OS X v10.6 to v10.8

Still Images:10.6.8: Intel Core Duo 1.83 GHz or more, 10.7/10.8:Intel Core 2 Duo or more
SD, HD(720p):10.6.8: Core Duo 1.66GHz or more, 10.7: Core 2 Duo or more
Full-HD(1080p):Core 2 Duo 2.6GHz or more

Still Images: 10.6.8: 1GB or more, 10.7/10.8: 2GB or more
SD, HD(720p):10.6.8: 1 GHz or more, 10.7: 2 GHz or more
Full-HD(1080p):2 GHz or more

1024 x 768 dots or more

Setup Instructions

Please follow the procedures below to download and install the software. When installing it, quit other application software.

1. Download the "cdx-inst-8-9-1-5-u01-9l.dmg.gz" file from the download page.
2. Double-click the "cdx-inst-8-9-1-5-u01-9l.dmg.gz" file. The downloaded file will be extracted, and the "CDX-INST_8_9_1_5_U01_9L.dmg" file will be created.
3. Double-click the "CDX-INST_8_9_1_5_U01_9L.dmg" file. The disk image "CW891M_Installer" will be mounted.
4. Double-click the installer, "CW891M_Installer" in "CW891M_Installer."
5. Follow the instructions on the screen to perform the installation.

File information

File Name : cdx-inst-8-9-1-5-u01-9l.dmg.gz
File Type : AP
File Size : 17636546KB