With this camera, you can register Picture Style files saved on your computer to your camera. Either download Picture Style files from the Canon website, or create your own using Picture Style Editor.
1. Connect the DIGITAL terminal of the camera to the computer's USB port using a USB cable.
2. Turn the camera on.
3. Start the CameraWindow application, installed on our computer.
4. Select [Camera Settings] from the Menu.
5. Press [Register Picture Style File], once next screen is displayed.
6. The [Register Picture Style File] dialog box appears.
: Select a tab from one of [User Def. 1] to [User Def. 3].
: Click the button.
7. In the [Open] dialog box that appears, select the Picture Style file () saved in the PC and click [Open] ().
8. When the desired Picture Style is displayed (), click [OK] ().
9. Press [OK] to complete the setting.
10. Set the camera’s power switch to [OFF], and then disconnect the interface cable from the camera and the computer.
11. Set the camera’s power switch to [ON] again.
12. Press the [MENU] button, choose the [ ] tab, then choose [Picture Style] and check the registered file.
This completes the steps for registering Picture Style File to the camera.