You can connect your camera to a printer and print using Wi-Fi.
When establishing a wireless connection with a printer, you can either use the camera as an access point (Camera Access Point Mode) or use another access point.
To connect using another access point, please refer to Sending images to a computer (Wi-Fi function).
Connecting your camera and printer via Wi-Fi
Register the printer you want to connect to using Wi-Fi.
1. Press and hold the Playback () button to turn the camera on.
2. Press the [ ] button.
When making Wi-Fi settings for the first time, a screen will appear for you to register a nickname for the camera.
This nickname will be displayed on the screen of target devices when connecting to other devices via Wi-Fi.
If the [Device Nickname] screen is displayed, press the [ ], [ ] buttons to choose [OK], and then press the [ ] button.
You can change the device nickname (display name) that is displayed on the camera. To change the nickname, press the [ ], [ ] buttons to choose [Change Device Nickname] and press the [ ] button.
3. Press the [ ], [ ], [ ], [ ] buttons to choose [ ], and then press the [ ] button
4. Press the [ ], [ ] buttons to choose [Add a Device], and then press the [ ] button.
5. Choose the displayed SSID (network name) from the printer's Wi-Fi setting menu.
6. Once the printer is ready for the connection, the printer’s name will be displayed on the camera. Press the [ ] button.
Printing Images
7.Press the [ ], [ ] buttons or turn the [ ] dial to choose the desired image.
8. Press the camera’s [ ] button, choose [ ], and then press the [ ] button again.
9. The screen for specifying the print settings appears.
To add the date to images, press the [ ], [ ] buttons or turn the [ ] dial to choose . Then, press the [ ] button and make the settings.
To specify the number of prints, press the [ ], [ ] buttons or turn the [ ] dial to choose . Then, press the [ ] button and make the settings.
Press the [ ], [ ] buttons or turn the [ ] dial to choose [Paper Settings], and then press the [ ] button.
10. The screen for setting the paper size appears.
Choose the desired paper size, and then press the [ ] button.
[Default] has been selected in the example image above.
11. The screen for setting the paper type appears.
Choose the paper type, then press the [ ] button.
[Photo] has been selected in the example image above.
12. The layout (border) settings screen appears.
Choose the layout type, then press the [ ] button.
[Bordered] has been selected in the example image above.
13. The camera returns to the print setting screen.
Make sure that the settings are correct.
Press the [ ] button with [Print] selected to begin printing.